New Moon Circles

Once a month we gather via Zoom to celebrate the magic of the New Moon.

Our New Moon Circles are facilitated by HWIC (Head Witch in Charge), Jenny. Jenny brings her intuition, flexibility, and humor to make sure each Circle meets attendees where they are at. New Moon Circles are gentle, powerful, and fun!

Circle allows everyone to dive deep into their emotional and energetic bodies.

During Circle expect to meditate, journal, and be witnessed in your truth. Prepare to create intentions for the month ahead. Circle is rooted in love and empathy. All ages & genders are welcome.

Themes from previous circles

Grief & Community
Personal Power
Water Wisdom
Connecting with Lilith & The Dark Feminine 

"It helped me move on with my grieving process. I hold so much in it makes me sick but now I can breathe." - R

"I'm trying to get back into journaling and this was a powerful jumpstart." - H

“I feel very relaxed and I’m still reflecting” - K 

“Great job and also great content. Loved the mediation at the end.” - M

For information about upcoming circles please fill out our subscription form at the bottom of the page.